Neka Vaša bašta ulepša Vaš život
Misija Akvaluksgardena je pružanje visokokvalitetne i inovativne usluge ugradnje zalivnih sistema kao i uređenja dvorišta. Svojim predanim radom pomažemo našim klijentima da ostvare svoje vizije za prekrasne, funkcionalne i održive spoljašnje prostore.
Zadovoljstvo klijenata je naš ultimativni cilj kao i pružanje vrhunske usluge i ugradnja kvalitetnih proizvoda. Želimo da dostignemo i nadmašimo očekivanja klijenata u vezi s uređenjem njihog dvorišta. Zalažemo se za vrhunski kvalitet, pružanje vrhunskih usluga i korišćenje visokokvalitetnih materijala i opreme kako bi se postigao najbolji rezultat za naše klijente. Smatramo da je zadovoljstvo klijenata najveća vrednost pa se kao firma fokusiramo na ispunjavanje njihovih potreba i očekivanja pružajući personalizovane i efikasne usluge.
Naša firma je osnovana sa idejom nastavka dugogodišnje porodične tradicije i porodičnog posla. Firma nastavlja odličnu tradiciju ali i vršimo značajan napredak uvođenjem novih tehnologija i automatizacije u naša rešenja.
Firma zarađuje od ugradnje zalivnih sistema i prodaje opreme, kao i od uređenja zelenih površina. Naš fokus je na konačnim rešenjima kako bi klijenti bili zadovoljni.
The mission of Akvaluksgarden is to provide a high-quality and innovative service for the installation of watering systems as well as yard decoration. With our dedicated work, we help our clients achive their visions for beautiful, functional and sustainable outdoor spaces.
Client satisfaction is our ultimate goal as well as providing superior service and installing quality products. We want to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations regarding the landscaping of their yard.
We are committed to top quality, providing exceptional service and using high-quality materials and equipment to achieve the best results for our clients. We believe that customer satisfaction is the greatest value, so as a company we focus on meeting their needs and expectations by providing personalized and efficient services.
Our company was founded with the idea of continuing a long-standing family tradition and family business. The company continues an excellent tradition, while also making significant progress by introducing new technologies and automation into our solutions.
The company makes money from the installation of irrigation systems and the sale of equipment, as well as from the arrangement of green areas. Our focus is on final solutions to keep clients satisfied.
Firma se osim vršenja usluga ugradnje bavi i prodajom opreme za zalivne sisteme, travnjake, fontane itd.
Naša firma pruža usluge instalacije zalivnih sistema, postavljanje travnjaka, sadnja biljaka, izrada fontana, kao i pejzažni dizajn. Dodatno nudimo i održavanje svih navedenih usluga.
Naš tim će se truditi da sve bude izvedeno u skladu sa najvišim standardima i željama klijenata.
Osnivač i vlasnik firme, Đuro Jović se trudi da sa svojim timom nastavi i opravda tradiciju koju imamo.
Naša firma je nagrađena i prepoznata kao jedna od top 100 brendova u Srbiji.
The company makes money from the installation of irrigation systems and the sale of equipment, as well as from the arrangement of green areas. Our focus is on final solutions to keep clients satisfied.
In addition to providing installation services, the company also sells equipment for watering systems, lawns, fountains, etc.
Our company provides services for the installation of irrigation systems, lawn installations, planting of plants, construction of fountains, as well as landscape design. Additionally, we offer maintenance of all mentioned services.
Our team will try to ensure that everything is carried out in accordance with the highest standards and wishes of the clients.
The founder and owner of the company, Đuro Jović, is trying to continue and justify the tradition we have with his team.
Our company was awarded and recognized as one of the top 100 brands in Serbia.